I came across this imaginative  ‘Manual ‘ earlier this week by Robin Sharma follow link for free download :https://bit.ly/34pRnpd

Here’s an extract : The Wartime Measures Checklist :


1> Install a morning routine that fortifies good health and makes me stronger (and better ) human

2> Build a 12 week ”Wartime Reading Curriculum” of 12 books that will transform my leadership and mastery

3> Write a daily schedule to ensure I exercise, do my Mindset/Heartset/Healthset/Soulset work each morning as well as stay productive as I do my craft

4> Handcraft a clear plan fro my family in case of emergency

5> Have enough food and water in storage

6> Write essential/emergency phone numbers in a ”Crisis Readiness” notebook

7> Ensure I have a tank of fuel

Be Safe. Be Planning . Be Prepared.


Best wishes. Andrew

